Stress competence - for more sovereignty and mindfulness

People who are stress-competent are more relaxed and cope better with turbulent times. Stress-competent people know themselves, allow themselves to be calm and have strong and healthy relationships. They know their room for manoeuvre and use it.

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Finally dealing with stress better

The figures speak for themselves: almost a third of people in employment in Switzerland feel emotionally exhausted ( Job Stress Index 2020) Many people feel left alone and overwhelmed by their stress. It is therefore one of the challenges for trainers and coaches to work with people on their stress behaviour and to develop individual stress skills with them as a preventative measure.

Start with behaviour

The reaction to stress is as individual as we humans are. This is why the persolog® Stress Model combines the analysis of stressors with the analysis of individual stress behaviour. On this basis, you develop a way to deal with stress appropriately.

Stress competence for your training & coaching

Certification in the persolog® Stress Model is the perfect addition to your training or coaching portfolio. When you support people in training their stress competence, you help them to develop more confidence and mindfulness and thus deal better with the challenges of everyday life and use stress positively for themselves.

Stress competence for your company

It is important for companies and managers to address the question of how they can help their employees develop more stress competence. This is precisely where the persolog® Stress Model supports companies.

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