20,000 trainers worldwide use the persolog behaviour/personality model (D.I.S.G.) in their work. The model is characterised by more than 50 years of research and development. The consistently situational behavioural profile is available in over 50 languages. The model has been used over 2 million times in practice.

Decades of research

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Professor Dr. John G. Geier

What Professor Geier started in Minneapolis as the D.I.S.G. system in 1970 has been further developed in Germany since 2003. The statistical questions are analysed in cooperation with the University of Koblenz-Landau (now the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau).

Today, the basic model comprises 7 evaluation stages. These include intentions in daily actions, beliefs that guide us, handling pressure, and teamwork. Thousands of people benefit from diverse and supportive training materials in their personal development.

persolog® Persönlichkeits-Report deutschFrauen/Männer/mit/ohne Führungsverantwortung und Alterpersolog® Persönlichkeits-Report englisch
Why the situational focus: Especially in the realm of personal development, we tend to categorize people into different boxes. Many personality tests quickly lead to a result and suggest to people, 'This is exactly who you are!' BUT: That doesn't ultimately help people. Therefore, the focus on people's situational behavior is important. Because that can be controlled and adjusted.

The expert team

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Dr. phil. Lana Ott

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Dr. Günter F. Müller

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Prof. Dorothey E. Downey

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Friedbert Gay

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Prof. Dr. John Geier

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Dr. Phil. Erich Wohlwend

Universitäten und Partner

Seit Jahren arbeitet das persolog-Forschungsteam mit international führenden Wissenschaftlern und Universitäten im Rahmen von gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten zusammen. So werden wichtige Erkenntnisse für die Menschführung und Beziehungsforschung gewonnen.Zu den Kooperationspartnern zählen u.a. die renommierten Universitäten Koblenz-Landau und Minnesota.