persolog® Resilience Organisation Model

In order to successfully overcome crises and challenges, companies must also be resilient. Resilient organisations are flexible, adaptable and able to overcome challenges.
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Making companies resilient

How can organisational resilience be developed? Every organisation should find its own specific response to complex challenges. In our resilience organisation model, we have identified 9 factors with which we support organisations on their path to greater resilience and adaptability. The persolog ® Resilience Organisation Model helps companies to put their resilience to the test and thus develop strategies that ensure the long-term success of the company in a complex world.

The persolog® resilience organisation model

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The persolog ® Resilience Organisation Model helps companies to put their resilience to the test and thus develop strategies that ensure the long-term success of the company in a complex world.

How we support you on your journey:

With our resilience organisation model, you can increase the resilience of companies.

Organisational resilience for your company

In times when change is becoming the norm, resilience is becoming an organisation's core resource. The Resilience Organisation Profile makes it possible to determine the position of your company.

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