Resilience - the competence for crises and everyday challenges

Do you want to become more resilient and flexible? Or do you want to help other people become more resilient? Then discover our wide range of resilience programmes now. We can help you and your customers or employees to become more resilient and go through life with more composure.
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persolog® resilience model

Resilience can be trained. That is why we have developed the persolog Resilience Model. The persolog® Resilience Model is an effective tool for taking a differentiated view of people's resilience skills and supporting them in developing their inner resilience and successfully overcoming crises and challenges.

How we support you on your journey:

With our resilience model, you can increase your inner resilience. You will learn methods and strategies that you can use to train your resilience.

➡ Resilience for your training & coaching
Certification in the persolog® resilience model is the perfect addition to your training or coaching portfolio.

➡ Resilience for your company
Resilient people are the basis for successful companies. Because if you have resilient employees, you have resilient teams. And resilient teams lead to a resilient organisation.

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