> How to interpret difficult graphs | persolog - Persönlichkeitsanalysen
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How to interpret difficult graphs

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How to interpret difficult graphs

One can hardly count with how many people the persolog ® Personality Factor Profile has been filled out over the last decades. And people almost always show the same reaction: you can feel their amazement and their surprise when they realize what can be done with only 48 questions – how we can “predict” their behavior. However, most trainers remain on the surface: they remain with D, I, S and C, in the best case, they remain with the 20 patterns. But the actual power of the 3 graphs, the possibilities they unveil, are so much stronger.

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learning contents

The actual power of D, I, S and C is rooted in the graphs. That’s why our goal is to share this knowledge with as many persolog trainers as possible. But we always had the same problem: We cannot offer the seminar "How to interpret difficult graphs" every month. Because time simply doesn’t allow us to do so. That’s why it always has been clear: we must find a way to enable everyone to fully exploit the potential of the 3 graphs.

How much time do you need to become an interpreting pro?

You can spend about 3 or about 10 hours (or anything in between) with the online training – depending on how many exercises you do by yourself, how often you want to repeat some contents, and how many units you skip. From my point of view, that’s the huge advantage of the seminar. For exactly as you wish, you can repeat single units after weeks or even after months. You can take your time to complete the online seminar, you can give yourself a whole year to do so. Or, of course, you can finish the training within one single day. It’s up to you – and, to some degree, it also depends on your personality.

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